Kiyosu Maeda | 前田 清洲

I'm a second-year Ph.D. student at Princeton University Computer Science advised by Prof. Parastoo Abtahi. My research focuses on computer-mediated communication, Human-AI integration, and virtual/augmented reality. I received B.E. and M.S. at the University of Tokyo advised by Prof. Jun Rekimoto.

CV Google Scholar

Email: kiyosu.0407[@]


Full publication list

VisionPainter: Authoring Experience of Visual Impairment in Virtual Reality

24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII '22)

Kiyosu Maeda, Kazuma Aoyama, Manabu Watanabe, Michitaka Hirose, Kenichiro Ito, Tomohiro Amemiya

[doi] [conference report]

CalmResponses: Displaying Collective Audience Reactions in Remote Communication

International Conference on Interactive Media Experience (IMX '22)

Kiyosu Maeda, Riku Arakawa, Jun Rekimoto

[pdf] [video] [doi] [code]

BulkScreen: Saliency-Based Automatic Shape Representation of Digital Images with a Vertical Pin-Array Screen

In Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '20)

Riku Arakawa, Yudai Tanaka, Hiromu Kawarasaki, Kiyosu Maeda

[pdf] [video] [doi]

Award, Scholarship, and Grant

2024.03 Telecom Interdisciplinary Research Student Award
2023.08-2025.08 Toyota Riken Overseas Scholarship
2023.03 Head of Department Award @ University of Tokyo
2022.04-2022.09 Toyota Study Abroad Scholarship
2022.02 LNest Grant Incu-be Incentive Award
2021.10-2022.09 WINGS-CFS @ University of Tokyo

Game and Art

Laser Diver

Strategy board game application for two players made by Unity. It provides both online and offline battles. Available on App Store and Google Play Store.

[app store] [google play] [video] [media]


In SXSW '19



2021.01 オンライン講義参加者の視線をヒートマップ表示 東大とソニーが技術開発